DIY Consumer Marketing Trends Report

Discover what drives DIYers to purchase, what inspires them to start projects, where they are spending their time and money and so much more by reading the DIY Consumer Marketing Trends Report. Read Full Article
Discover what drives DIYers to purchase, what inspires them to start projects, where they are spending their time and money and so much more by reading the DIY Consumer Marketing Trends Report. Read Full Article
The week Houzz released a Guidebook to making Houzz work for you. Download it here to take your Houzz profile to the next level. Read Full Article
Like2Buy is changing the face of Instagram as we know it, and retailers are the biggest winners. Read Full Article
Marketing to Millennials is a hot topic. We’ve rounded up some of the best information available and compiled the list below to help you pinpoint the 10 Home Improvement items Millennials are buying right now. Read Full Article
Smart Home Technology is a budding industry that's starting to really take off. In my latest interview I have a chance to chat it up with WigWag Co-Founder Ed Hemphill. The WigWag system is the first real attempt to answer the problem of being able to control multiple devices from multiple brands. Read Full Article
Pinterest is like the motherland of all things DIY. Can you even remember the last time you went a birthday party, Super Bowl party or Christmas Tree Lighting and didn’t hear someone say “Oh yeah I got that idea from Pinterest.”? Me either. However, when researching for this article, I found that there are very limited resources out there aimed at helping Home Improvement Brands get the most from their Pinterest account. Read Full Article
Our focus on blogs to follow and their importance comes full circle with this post which includes all of the blogs we've featured so far. Read Full Article
Your female DIYer is just as likely to tackle a home improvement project this year as Mr. FixIt. Gone are the days of the “Honey Do List”. If she’s not taking on the project herself, she’ll likely be a hands on assistant to her male counterpart. And don’t forget, her purchasing power is only going up! Woman handle the bulk of the purchasing decisions on consumer goods, and are major influencers on big ticket items like homes, appliances, furniture, etc. So, here are a few quick tips to make sure you know what she likes. Read Full Article
As our blogs to follow series draws to a close, this week I will focus on home decor. The finesse of interior design is closely linked to all things home improvement. When consumers update any part of their home, it can be like an expensive game of “If you give a mouse a cookie.” Read Full Article
One of the main drivers in brand loyalty for the DIYer is online resources. Consumers have the potential to be limited in their ability to complete a project, and your online resource can be the answer. Or maybe consumers don’t know where to start in their home, your online resource can be the answer. Read Full Article