
Who are DIYers

DIY Consumers are a growing consumer set. They are a tech-savvy shopper that spends time researching brands and products online before buying. 75% of DIYers are new homeowners, and they are all looking to purchase from brands and companies that share their interest in the environment, technology and improving their homes.

The DIY Consumer is not limited by age. Although the majority of DIY Consumers fall into the Millennial or young Generation X demographic, older Generation X and Baby Boomers can be DIYers as well. Each of these DIY generations has their own preferences and purchase styles. Part of our mission in this blog is to help you learn more about the DIYer and how to market to their specific wants and needs, no matter their age or other differences.

Take a look at this introductory article by Zach that will give you a better overview of the DIYer: 10 Characteristics of the DIY Consumer

Or, get to know what the DIYer wants in an in-store experience with one of our most popular articles: How to Attract the DIYer like Williams-Sonoma.

You can also download our DIY Consumer Marketing Trends Report at